1. Within the AirMason editor, navigate to the desired page and highlight the text you wish to link.
In this example, we will be linking out the text that says, "Download our form" to a PDF.
2. In the pop-up toolbar, click on the "Insert document" file icon.
3. A pop-up will appear instructing you to drop or upload your file here.
4. Once uploaded, ensure the correct file is checked off.
Previously uploaded files will also appear in this list so it's important to double-check that the correct version is selected.
5. Click on "Insert" to embed and link the document.
6. Voila! The text will convert to a link. Feel free to preview your handbook and test out the link.
Upon clicking, the file should instantly download to your browser window's
"Downloads" area.
Important Reminder: If there are any updates made to these files, you will have to re-upload and re-link to the newer version.