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How to connect JumpCloud

Find out how to set up JumpCloud SSO on AirMason

Judith avatar
Written by Judith
Updated over 2 months ago

To integrate JumpCloud with AirMason, you need to be added as a collaborator on the account. If you don’t have access, contact the account owner or admin to grant you the required permissions for IT integration. For instructions on adding a new collaborator, refer to this guide.

Find the AirMason Employee portal URL:

In this article, we'll be referencing this URL at a couple of places. You will need your admin to add you to AirMason to find this. You can figure out what to use there by going to Manage Organization > Employee Portal

If you've custom domain setup on AirMason

  • then your Employee Portal URL will be your custom domain (Eg:

  • otherwise it will be<company-handle>, where <company-handle> is company handle that you've set up. (Eg:

Setting up AirMason app on Okta:

Please follow the steps below on setting up AirMason on JumpCloud

  1. Click SSO tab from Menu, then click Plus button

  2. Click the Custom SAML App button from the popup

  3. Enter the Display Label as AirMason app

  4. Click the SSO tab and fill in the following configurations:
    IDP Entity ID: [AirMason employee portal URL]
    SP Entity ID: [AirMason employee portal URL]/jumpcloud/saml2
    ACS URL: [AirMason employee portal URL]/jumpcloud/saml2
    SAML Subject NAMEID: email
    SAMLSubject NAMEID Format: urn:oasis:names:c:SAML:1.1:nameid-fommat:emailAddress
    Attributes mapping:

  5. Copy the full IDP URL and paste it into SAML 2.0 ENDPOINT (HTTP) on AirMason

  6. In Users & Groups tab, provide access to specific users and click Activate

  7. Now that your SSO is set up on JumpCloud, let's set up the AIrMason side.
    Download the certificate:

    1. Click on the AirMason App

    2. Click on the IDP certificate Valid

    3. Click Download certificate and paste the value into the certificate on AirMason.

Connecting Okta SSO app to AirMason:

  1. Login to AirMason Admin and go to Integrations page

  2. Click on Connect next to JumpCloud

  3. Fill in the following information:

    Issuer URL: [AirMason Employee portal URL]
    SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP): Step 6

    Certificate (X.509 Certificate): Step 8

Testing JumpCloud SSO as employee:

  1. Go to your AirMason Employee portal URL. It should show you login page for viewing your handbooks

  2. Click on "Login with JumpCloud"

  3. It should take you to login using JumpCloud SSO credentials (if you are not logged in)

  4. Once you log in, it should bring you back to AirMason and you should be able to view handbooks you've access to (similar to what is shown below).

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