To configure a checklist template:
1. Hit 'Add page' and select the Multiple Choice template. Add a page title then confirm
2. Input your question in the first text box, then populate your answers in the boxes underneath.
Note: you'll need one correct answer and at least one incorrect option to create a multiple choice question. You can add more options by clicking "Add line item".
3. Click into the Style tab and select the Multiple Choice dropdown to choose the correct answer from the options
4. Under this menu you can also choose if you'd like to enforce employees selecting the correct answer as a requirement to signing off on the document
If you're collecting signatures on this document, ticking this box means that employees must select the correct answer before the option to sign will be available.
5. Select the "Customize Template" dropdown to stylize the look and colors of the template
6. To check functionality, head to preview mode (click here for instructions on how to access preview mode) - you'll see that an incorrect answer selected will display a red X, while the correct answer will display a green tick