1. First ensure the handbook you are linking to is published. Then we can begin with the handbook you need to link from.
For a friendly reminder, you can view our "How to publish a handbook" support article. To open up the editor from your admin dashboard, hover over the desired handbook and click on the "Edit content" button.
2. Within the editor, navigate to the desired page. Then in the text box, highlight the text you want to link out.
In this example, we will be linking out the text that says, "Click here to learn more". We are in our Employee Handbook and want to link to our other Policy Handbook.
3. In the pop-up toolbar, click on the "Insert/Edit AirMason Link" paperclip icon to insert a link.
4. The linking pop-up will appear displaying two option types. For this example, click on the second "Handbook" tab.
Note: The first "URL" tab is where you can link to an external website.
5. From this tab view, select the handbook you'd like to link to from the dropdown list.
For example, "Policy Handbook".
6. Then select the specific page title from the next dropdown list.
For example, the "Health & Safety Policy" page.
8. Next, you can edit the target window option before clicking "Apply" to complete the linking.
Note: We strongly recommend leaving this to "New Window" to ensure viewers don't lose their current location.
9. Voila! Feel free to preview your handbook and test out the link.
Important Reminder: The handbook you are linking to needs to be published in order to preview.