Step 1: In the admin dashboard, go to the desired handbook tile and click "Edit content" to open the AirMason editor.
Step 2: Next, click "Publish" located in the top-right corner.
Step 3: A pop-up window will appear displaying the customization options available. First, you can choose whether to notify employees via email by the toggle button.
If the handbook is ready for viewing, this sends a short note to everyone with access to the handbook.
Step 4: If you choose to turn on notifications, proceed with editing the message title and body text.
You can select the default message provided or write your own.
Step 5: Next, decide if new signatures will be required. You can turn this on/off with the toggle button.
This will prompt your employees to sign the new version of the handbook via the email sent to them. We recommend using this feature if you've made significant changes and want to ensure they're acknowledged.
Step 6: When this is complete, do a final review before clicking the "Publish" button.
Step 7: Voila! Back in the admin dashboard, you should now see the handbook tile displaying the last published date.