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Workday Integration
Judith avatar
Written by Judith
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Create a Custom Report

  1. Navigate to your Workday HRIS and sign in

  2. Click "Create a Custom Report"

  3. Name the report

  4. Select "Advanced" as the Report Type

  5. Check "Enable as Web Service"

  6. Uncheck "Optimized for Performance" (this will need to be unchecked in order to select the correct data source)

  7. Select "All Active Employees" as the Data Source

  8. Click "OK"

Step 2: Add Report Details

  1. Click the "+" Icon to add multiple fields

  2. Under the field column, type keywords to search for the field you would like to add. Please reference the following charts for the specific parameters:

  3. Column Heading Override: Please override the column headings to match the AirMason parameters

  4. Filter: Please filter the report to include include only active employees

Chart A: Required parameters

These parameters are required for AirMason to import employees:

Workday Parameter

AirMason Parameter


First Name


Employee's first name

Last Name


Employee's last name

Work Email Address


Employee's work email address. Can also use personal email*

Work Email Address


Employee's work email address

Employee ID or unique identifier


Employee's unique identifier (will not change)

*If your team will be logging into AirMason via Single Sign-On, please select the email which matches your SSO setup. For support, contact

Chart B: Optional parameters

These additional employee parameters will enable us to establish rules on AirMason for automatically grouping employees for personalized document access:

Workday Parameter

AirMason Parameter


Country Code


Employee's work country



Employee's specific functional unit



Employees into units or groups within an organization

State or Province


Employee's work State or Province

City or Location


Employee's work location



An additional custom parameter which can be used for the identification of a group of employees; e.g. manager code, work code, etc.



An additional custom parameter which can be used for the identification of a group of employees; e.g. HR team, Marketing team, etc.

Step 3: Create an Integration System User (ISU)

An ISU will be needed to own and run a report:

  1. Navigate to the Workday search bar, type "Create Integration System User" and click the task

  2. Create a Username and Password (remember to take note of the password as it will need to be provided to AirMason later)

    • We recommend labelling your Integration System User with the prefix "ISU" followed by your chosen username (e.g., ISU_AirMason).

    • Ensure that your password adheres to Workday's best practices. You can update the password later if needed.

  3. Check the box labelled "Do Not Allow UI Sessions" - this will prevent others from accessing the Workday user interface using ISU credentials; however, the ISU will still be able to use web services and integrations

  4. Click "OK" to save the changes

Step 4: Create Security Group for ISU/Report Access

The next step is to establish a security group and assign the ISU to it. Follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the search bar, type "Create Security Group" and click the task.

  2. Choose "Integration System Security Group (Unconstrained)" as the type of Tenanted Security Group

  3. Give the security group a name (keeping in mind best practices, it is recommended to include the label "ISSG" in the security group name, e.g., ISSG_AirMason)

  4. Click "OK" to finalize the process

  5. Choose the ISU you created earlier from the "Integration System Users" list, then click "OK"

Step 5: Assign Domains to the Security Group

  1. Find the security group you created (if you can't locate it, use the search bar and ensure you select "All of Workday" in the left column for search options)

  2. Click on the related actions icon of the security group, then hover over "Security Group" and select "Maintain Domain Permissions for Security Group"

  3. In the "Domain Security Policies permitting Modify access" and "Domain Security Policies permitting Get access" sections, add the appropriate domains (like report column headers) from the following list:

    Domain Security Policies permitting Modify access:

    Custom report administration

    Custom report creation

    Manage all custom reports

    Domain Security Policies permitting Get access:

    Person Data: Work email

    Worker Data: Active employees

    Worker Data: Current staffing information

    Worker Data: Worker ID

  4. If you can't find the specific Integration Permissions, you might need to give the ISSG permission to the parent domain first

  5. After adding the domains, go to the search bar, type "Activate Pending Security Policy Changes" and click on the corresponding task

  6. On the next screen, you'll see a review of the security domains you're activating - check the "Confirm" box and click "OK"

Step 6: Share the Report

Navigate back to your report. Under the "share" tab is where you can specify who should have access to the report.

  • Note: If you do not share the report definition with anyone or yourself and you transfer the ownership to the ISU (which will be the next step) you will not be able to easily see the report after. You will have to use the task "View Custom Report" to find the report again. We highly recommend sharing the report with yourself.

Step 7: Transfer Report Ownership

  1. Go to your report and access the related actions menu

  2. Hover over "Custom Report" and click on "Transfer Ownership"

  3. Choose the ISU User as the new owner from the provided options

  4. Click "OK" to complete the transfer of ownership

Step 8: Send ISU Credentials and Report URL to AirMason

For AirMason to access this data, we will need the ISU credentials and the report URL:

  • User: ISU_AirMason (or the name of your Integration System User)

  • Password: The password you entered when the ISU was created

Find the Report URL

  1. Locate your report and access the related actions menu

  2. Hover over "Web Service" and click "View URLs"

  3. Look for the section where you can select the output format - choose ".json" as the file format

  4. Click the box icon to open the output URL

  5. Copy the URL and send it to your Customer Success Manager or Implementation Consultant

  6. When you open the URL, a Sign In window may appear, but you don't need to log in to access the URL - however, you can use your ISU credentials to test if the data populates correctly

    If you are unable to see the URL, the URL for report output follows this pattern:
    https://<workday-url>/<tenant>/<username>/<report_name>?<prompt_1>=<prompt_1_value>&<prompt_2>= <prompt_2_value>&format=<format>

    Example URL:

Step 9: Finalize Workday Integration on the AirMason Platform

  1. Navigate to the Integration Page. Login to AirMason Admin and click "Integrations "

  2. Find Workday and click "Connect"

  3. Enter the username for the ISU, password, and report URL; click Connect

  4. If connected successfully, you should see a checkmark next to the integration

  5. Click Configure > Sync

  6. You should now see your employees populated under Manage Organization.

For more support or any questions, please contact the AirMason Integrations team.

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