Part A: Set up credentials: Create and provide AirMason with a username, password, the company “Shortname”and API Key
I. API Key - Find your UKG Ready API Key
1. Go to UKG Ready's Company Setup page, go to Login Config.
2. Scroll down to API Keys and click Generate. Copy the API Key and store it in a secure place.
Note: if you have other integrations using this API key, please do not generate the key! Copy the existing one and send it to AirMason
II. Username and Password - Setting up your API User Permissions
1. To create a service account in UKG Ready, navigate to: Settings > Global Setup > Company Setup
2. Then navigate to the Login Config tab and find and select the Service Accounts section.
3. If the Service Accounts section is not visible, then select Edit Tabs, drag the Service Accounts section onto your preferred position on the screen and then return to Login Config.
4. Once the Service Account section is available, click on Add Service Account.
5. Set your Password, select the custom Security Profile you created. An Account Group that has access to all the employees we need to sync and save the service account.
6. Your UKG Ready Service Account is now ready. Please, take note of the Username, Password and External ID before moving on to the next section.
7. Please Provide AirMason with the username and password
III. Shortname - Find your company shortname
1. Log into your UKG Ready account and open the menu in the upper left. Click on the settings icon and click on Global Setup followed by Company Setup.
2. Navigate to the Company Info tab.
3. Scroll down to Company Short Name under Company Address and copy your Company Short Name.
4. Send the Company Short name to AirMason
Part B: Create a report
1. To do so, navigate to My Info > My Reports > Reports Hub > Overview > Build Report
2. Create a report with the following parameters:
string | FALSE | Employee email address | |
first_name | string | TRUE | Employee first name |
last_name | string | FALSE | Employee last name |
dob | dd/mm/yyyy | FALSE | Employee date of birth |
team_name | string | FALSE | Employee team name |
location | string | FALSE | Employee location |
state | string | FALSE | Employee location state |
code | string | FALSE | Employee code |
employee_type | string | FALSE | employee type |
source_id | string | FALSE | employee id if we you are using SSO |
country | string | FALSE | employees country |
Note: parameter names have to follow what AirMason has provided.
Report should only include active employees
The optional field names (ie: required is false) are used to create rules on AirMason to group employees based on specific requirements (ie: any employee who lives in Toronto will be in the Canada group)
3. When we edit the Saved Report, we need to make sure that the report is shared with the service account. We do this by enabling the Share checkbox and then selecting Share with others > Browse > Service account. From here, select the previously created service account you created and save.
4. Save your report and make a note of the System/Report ID before moving on to the next section.