Announcements can be used to share exciting events, incoming updates, or other need-to-know information with your employees via their employee portal (the centralized place where all employees view their AirMason documents). Here's how to create an announcement:
Step 1: Hit the announcements button in the top right hand corner of your dashboard
Step 2: Next, click "Create an announcement"
Step 3: Insert the title for your announcement here, then select if you would like for it to sit permanently on the portal or be scheduled for a fixed amount of time
If scheduling for a fixed period, select the dates/times you'd like for it to appear from and until.
Step 4: Select the group that you would like the announcement to appear for. You can choose all employees or specific groups only
Step 5: Insert the text you would like to use for your announcement. Use the the formatting buttons to edit how the announcement will look, including adding hyperlinks or adding images
Step 6: Click preview for a sneak peek at how the announcement will look and, when you're ready, hit "Publish"
Step 7: Your announcement will now appear on the employee portal! Click the Announcements button on your dash again to see views and likes from employees, along with when it was posted. To edit an existing announcement, simply hit the pencil icon and to delete, hit "Delete".
For more support on employee portal announcements, contact
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