Before we dive in, we’d like to go over a few important reminders and housekeeping notes:
Mobile optimization will occur last, so only review the handbook on desktop for now.
Please ensure all design feedback is consolidated and as clear as possible, with any necessary files/assets attached.
Please refrain from using this tool for internal discussions or submitting content-related edits. This includes text changes or deleting/adding pages –– anything that differs from the original content upload.
As we are currently in the design stage, we focus solely on visuals and aesthetics. The design team isn’t permitted to make content changes, but rest assured, your team will have full access to the handbook at the end to make any necessary edits.
If you have any questions, feel free to view our FAQ section at the end of this article.
Step 1: The design team will email you a unique link to review your handbook on desktop. Before you begin posting comments, you will be asked to sign in.
You can sign in with your email or continue as a guest.
Step 2: To review your handbook design, you can simply scroll through the pages or use the Table of Contents menu, located in the top-left corner.
Step 3: When you come across a page that requires a design change, click anywhere on the page to leave a comment. Fill out the design edit request and click "Add".
Please be as clear and descriptive as possible:
✅ Good example: “Replace the photo with the one attached.” (Then attach the file.)
❌ Vague example: “We don’t like this page.” (This doesn’t give the team enough direction.)
→ Step 3a) Attach any corresponding assets by clicking "Add files/images".
i.e. If your design request is to change a photo, please attach the high-res asset for us to replace it with.
→ Step 3b) If a change applies to multiple pages, you can check the "Apply to all pages" box.
Popular examples include:
“Replace all red background colours with black.”
“Change all page titles to uppercase.”
Step 4: Continue adding your design-related feedback as needed. Once all comments are finalized, submit by clicking the orange "Completed" button in the top-right corner.
This step is necessary to close out the round.
Step 5: A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm by clicking "Close Feedback Round".
Before submitting, please use the below checklist to double-check you're ready to ensure a smooth process:
✅ Have I reviewed all feedback comments and made sure they're as clear and descriptive as possible with the necessary files/assets attached?
✅ If multiple team members have left comments, is our feedback consolidated with no discrepancies or duplicate requests?
✅ Did I ensure only design-specific comments are made? (I confirm no internal discussions or content-related requests have been added.)
Step 6: Voila! After you submit, the feedback round will close and you should get a confirmation email.
You can expect to receive an updated handbook draft to review within 3-5 business days! It's important to note that the handbook design may be put on pause if any clarifications are needed, but we will reach out via email if so.
How do I submit feedback comments for mobile view?
How do I submit feedback comments for mobile view?
Mobile optimization will occur last, so please only review the handbook on desktop for now. We will reach out separately via email once we enter mobile stage.
What is considered a "content-related" change? Why can't I submit any?
What is considered a "content-related" change? Why can't I submit any?
This includes text changes (i.e. rewording/editing, adding titles, fixing punctuation or grammar), deleting/adding pages, or changing the original handbook set-up, etc.
For context, the design team isn’t permitted to make any content changes that differs from the original upload as it's already been approved. As we are currently in the design stage, we focus solely on visuals and aesthetics. Your team will have full access to the handbook at the end to make any necessary edits.
Can I make my own content-related changes now?
Can I make my own content-related changes now?
You will receive handbook access at the end, after design is approved. We will provide you with the next steps and a training call on how to use the editor.
If this is an immediate concern, please contact your designated Customer Success team member.
Can I request to combine/move pages in the handbook?
Can I request to combine/move pages in the handbook?
Yes to both. Combining pages may be tricky, so we please ask that you clearly outline which page(s) are to be combined together, and then provide what the new page title should appear as in the Table of Contents menu.
Important note: If the design team feels your request heavily affects the original handbook setup, we may put the design on pause and have our Customer Success Team member reach out to you. We will defer to them to work with you and revisit the handbook for the best next steps.
Can I delete comments that aren't my own?
Can I delete comments that aren't my own?
Unfortunately, you're only able to delete your own comments. If there are comments you cannot delete, we suggest reaching out to those team members and asking them to remove their comments.
If that is not feasible, you can reply in the thread post with a message similar to "Please ignore this" and the design team will be sure to omit it.
I have many photos to submit but they're too large to attach. Who can I send this to?
I have many photos to submit but they're too large to attach. Who can I send this to?
Please reach out to the design team and we can create a shared Google Drive folder for you to drop any assets into. Alternatively, you can try sending it via email or using a free website like WeTransfer.
I have the same type of feedback comments to make throughout the handbook. Is there an "overall general" comment I can post?
I have the same type of feedback comments to make throughout the handbook. Is there an "overall general" comment I can post?
Yes, you can submit global changes. If a change applies to multiple pages, you can check the "Apply to all pages" box.
How many rounds of feedback do I get?
How many rounds of feedback do I get?
Depending on what timeline was discussed with your designated Customer Success team member, it may vary between 1 to 3 rounds. There is an unlimited number of feedback comments allowed within any round.
When can I expect to receive an updated handbook draft?
When can I expect to receive an updated handbook draft?
The turnaround time for design changes is 3-5 business days.
I accidentally already closed out the feedback round, but can I still add comments or attachments?
I accidentally already closed out the feedback round, but can I still add comments or attachments?
No, once you close out the feedback round, you won't be able to access the feedback feature anymore. Please contact the design team ASAP via email and we will review. You can always submit them in the next round.